Thursday, September 16, 2010

Do you want more abundance, more vitality in your life?

Do you want more health, more vitality in your life?
Shift from a consciousness of sickness, symptoms=EFFECT to a consciousness of CAUSE, source of true abundant health that comes from within you.
What is the source of health? your innate
Is sickness and disease a cause or effect?
EFFECT. We get so wrapped up in the symptoms(effect)of disease, cold, flu, pain we forget the source of health.
When you give your power to the effect symptoms, other people, insurance companies, government, doctors to "make you better or get you healthy" you lose your own power within you to THRIVE in the abundance of true health spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally!
Focus on the source - cause of health and the EFFECT will be true health, vitality and increase quality of life in every aspect.
When your mind is on the source - cause- of health and healing the supply flows freely.
If your mind is on the effect - symptoms- getting better- lack of symptoms you BLOCK the flow of abundance.
Your innate intelligence sees and knows only abundance of health, vitality, abundance of yourself.
Remove the interference of your health by focusing on the cause and the effect will take care of itself.

Saturday, July 31, 2010



10 Ways to Wellness 5 of 5

According to a recent report through Reuters News Service:

"Rates of prescription drug abuse worldwide are higher than those for the use of cocaine, ecstasy and heroin, combined, according to a new report by the United Nations' International Narcotics Control Boards (INCB)."

Yes, there is a world wide drug problem and it isn't just in back streets and alley often starts at the prescription pad.

#10 Spend time in Nature

It is important to step out of our daily routine and reconnect with nature. We are not separate from this planet. In fact, our lives depend on it! Connecting with nature by camping, hiking, going to the beach, or to a park can help remind us that keeping our environment clean and our planet healthy is just as important as keeping ourselves healthy.

If we see ourselves as cells that make up the body of society then, just as with your own body, the more healthy cells you have, the more likely you are to be healthy. So do yourself and the planet a favor...let's all work together to insure as many healthy cells here in our community, in our state and in our country as possible in order to create a better future for all of us.

Here's a bonus tip:
A recent international study demonstrated that a long-term weight loss plan featuring the reduction of calories and processed foods with an increase in vegetables can reduce blood pressure and reverse atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The importance of this study is the recognition of the link between atherosclerosis and blood pressure as direct links and risk factors for stroke and heart attacks. There are foods that can reverse the process.


Mediterranean and low-carbohydrate diets were the most effective for inducing weight loss. More favorable effects on lipids were obtained with the low-carbohydrate diet, while glycemic control (fasting glucose levels) among the study`s diabetics improved with the Mediterranean diet. The weight loss itself is what brought about the changes in blood pressure and plaque in the arteries. So, eat right, think well and make sure your nervous system is as healthy as possible.

This issue of the Health Tip of the Week is brought to you as a public service by Dr. Stacy Chilton at Synergy Spine Center.

Monday, July 26, 2010

WELLNESS part 4 of 5

According to the Drug Industry, statin drugs are "miracle" drugs that prevent millions of heart attacks and strokes. A recent study published in the 05/10 issue of the British Medical Journal tells a different story:

For every heart attack possibly prevented by the drug, two or more people suffered liver damage, kidney failure, cataracts or extreme muscle weakness as a result of taking the drug.


#7 Develop a Spiritual Practice

Studies show that people with a regular spiritual practice (regardless of religion) are healthier and happier! Regardless of belief, you can still get these benefits by taking time to thank a higher power for the blessings in your life, and I suggest making it as much a part of your daily routine as brushing your teeth. What are you grateful for? Gratitude is a very powerful human emotion and spending time each day being grateful is an important key to happiness.

#8 Positive Mental Attitude

Studies show that people with a positive mental attitude (optimists) actually live an average of 7 years longer than people who are generally negative. Positive people also have a better quality of life as they seem to attract better and healthier relationships. You can focus on what is wrong in the world or what's right with it, your choice. A few weeks ago, the HealthTip highlighted how happiness can contribute to good health.

#9 Lifetime Learning

Have you always wanted to learn to play a musical instrument? Learn to dance? Cook? Have a list of books you want to read? Well, now is your chance. Learning new things keeps your brain healthy, keeps life exciting and fun. Trying new things and can even help to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's.


10 Ways to Wellness takes on even more meaning when we realize that statin drugs do as much if not more harm than good. How odd that the big drug companies have become so transparent in their sale of high-profit drugs to people who for the most part won't even benefit from them. We applaud the British Medical Journal for taking an honest stand and, with any luck it may be that the wall of lies constructed about statins by the drug industry is starting to crack.

This issue of the Health Tip of the Week is brought to you as a public service by Dr. Stacy Chilton at Synergy Spine Center.


Monday, July 19, 2010

10 Ways to Wellness part 3 of 5

Western Diet Promotes Depression in Women

Women who eat a typical Western diet, high in junk food, may increase their risk of suffering from mood disorders such as depression, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Melbourne and published in the January, 2010 edition of the American Journal of Psychiatry.


Regular chiropractic care, sufficient water and proper rest are well known ways to promote health. Here are some more suggestions:

#4 Remember to Breathe

Slow, deep, controlled breathing can have an immediate calming effect on the body. Try this when you feel stressed...Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold it in for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds, and then hold it out for 4 seconds. This way of conscious breathing has been practiced by Monks and Yogi's for centuries and leads to several health benefits such as reduction in blood pressure, better oxygenation of the blood and greater mental clarity.

#5 Exercise

Your body was designed to move! Minimum exercise that we recommend is 20 minutes each day. If nothing else, begin by walking. Grab a friend or a loved one and go for a walk together! You may also want to consider a personal trainer, at least short term, to help you develop a workout routine that fits your needs. Exercise releases chemicals in the body called endorphins which act as natural pain relievers and are known for their ability to create a feeling of well-being.

#6 Eat Fresh, Natural Nutrient Rich Food

Green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits are the healthiest foods you can possibly eat as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and phytonutrients to keep your muscles and bones strong, your immune system healthy, and your blood sugar stable. This alone reduces your risk of many diseases.


Another recent study, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, found that among 3,486 middle-aged women and men, those who ate a diet primarily composed of vegetables, fruits and fish were significantly less likely to be depressed than those who primarily ate refined ("white") grains, processed meats, fried food, sweetened desserts and high-fat dairy products. See principle #6 above...a good diet leads to good health and a "junk" diet leads to "junk" health.

This issue of the Health Tip of the Week is brought to you as a public service by Dr. Stacy Chilton at Synergy Spine Center.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Part 2 of 5 Wellness

Medicine has a huge and innovative approach to increase your dependency on them and to increase their profits. A May, 2010 report in Social Science and Medicine documents the growing trend toward the "Medicalization of the Human Condition." The report documents many common problems, many of which are simply due to being human, that now are defined as medical disorders that supposedly need prescription drugs and other costly treatments.


While regular chiropractic care is certainly a given when it comes to health development, here are more lifestyle approaches that will contribute to your long term health:

#2 Drink Plenty of Clean Water

Your body is 80% water and without it we could not live more than a few days. The human brain is made up of 95% water, lungs 90%, and blood is 82% water. A 2% drop in our body's water supply can trigger signs of dehydration: fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, difficulty focusing on small print, and daytime fatigue. An estimated 75% of Americans have mild, chronic dehydration. Water also plays a key role in the prevention of disease. Drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day (minimum) helps to
regulate the digestive system, clean out and detoxify the internal organs, and can decrease the risk of colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%. Amazing water!

#3 Get Enough Rest

Proper and sufficient rest is essential to keep the immune system healthy and regulating hormone levels. Proper rest also contributes to mental clarity and having enough energy to meet the physical, mental, and emotional demands of daily life. Limit your intake to water or decaffeinated tea within 3 hours of bedtime. Do your best to get a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Also, try to fall asleep on your back, as this is the healthiest position for your spine and nervous system.


The SPOTLIGHT story also said medicalization of human problems may be caused by increased consumer demands for medical solutions and the DRUG maker's expanding drug markets. The author stated, "By estimating the amount spent on medicalized human problems...the question is whether this spending is 'appropriate'...and consider policies that curb the growth or even shrink the amount of spending..." Or, the public may just awaken to the idea of growing their health.

This issue of the Health Tip of the Week is brought to you as a public service by Dr. Stacy Chilton at Synergy Spine Center.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ways to Wellness

The chiropractic paradigm: so simple, so powerful.

The brain houses the control centers for the function of every single cell, tissue and organ in the body. The control centers of the brain communicate with and receive information from the body by way of the nervous system. If that communication system is interfered with in any way, the body CAN NOT function the way it was designed to function.


The past series on the Top Ten Worst Foods received so much attention and praise that we asked Dr. Ian Hoffman for another short series of articles and he's agreed. Since the last series was on what to avoid, this series is on the Top Ten Things you can do to promote your long term health and well being.

Here's the first installment of the list of things you can do to be as healthy as you can be now...and for the rest of your life:

#1 Regular Chiropractic Care

First and foremost, we must ask the question, "Why do people get sick?"

All symptoms of disease are related to stress: physical, chemical, and/or emotional.

Physical stress is caused by car accidents, sports, or a sedentary lifestyle.

Chemical stress is caused by tobacco, alcohol, drugs (including pharmaceuticals) and a poor diet.

Emotional stress is caused by relationship issues, money worries, or social pressures. All types negative stress have a destructive effect on our body but our nervous system often can adapt to some of that stress so we do not feel sick with all negative stress.

Of course we can never eliminate stress from our lives completely, but a healthy lifestyle that includes practicing the 10 Ways to Wellness and avoiding the Top Ten Worst Foods will reduce the total amount of stress you experience. At the same time, regular chiropractic care keeps your nervous system healthy and better able to adapt to the stressors you can't control. A healthy lifestyle and regular chiropractic care gets you on your journey in creating a healthier future!
The traditional medicine approach to health is in attempting to deliver relief, not in health development or the elimination of disease.

Treating symptoms endlessly with pills, potions, lotions, surgery and chemicals has never brought about a cure, let alone addressed a cause. The American people are becoming more and more disenchanted with this approach and are finally beginning to demand that the cause of disease be addressed and eliminated.

This issue of the Health Tip of the Week is brought to you as a public service by Dr. Stacy Chilton at Synergy Spine Center.
