Thursday, September 16, 2010

Do you want more abundance, more vitality in your life?

Do you want more health, more vitality in your life?
Shift from a consciousness of sickness, symptoms=EFFECT to a consciousness of CAUSE, source of true abundant health that comes from within you.
What is the source of health? your innate
Is sickness and disease a cause or effect?
EFFECT. We get so wrapped up in the symptoms(effect)of disease, cold, flu, pain we forget the source of health.
When you give your power to the effect symptoms, other people, insurance companies, government, doctors to "make you better or get you healthy" you lose your own power within you to THRIVE in the abundance of true health spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally!
Focus on the source - cause of health and the EFFECT will be true health, vitality and increase quality of life in every aspect.
When your mind is on the source - cause- of health and healing the supply flows freely.
If your mind is on the effect - symptoms- getting better- lack of symptoms you BLOCK the flow of abundance.
Your innate intelligence sees and knows only abundance of health, vitality, abundance of yourself.
Remove the interference of your health by focusing on the cause and the effect will take care of itself.

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