Monday, July 26, 2010

WELLNESS part 4 of 5

According to the Drug Industry, statin drugs are "miracle" drugs that prevent millions of heart attacks and strokes. A recent study published in the 05/10 issue of the British Medical Journal tells a different story:

For every heart attack possibly prevented by the drug, two or more people suffered liver damage, kidney failure, cataracts or extreme muscle weakness as a result of taking the drug.


#7 Develop a Spiritual Practice

Studies show that people with a regular spiritual practice (regardless of religion) are healthier and happier! Regardless of belief, you can still get these benefits by taking time to thank a higher power for the blessings in your life, and I suggest making it as much a part of your daily routine as brushing your teeth. What are you grateful for? Gratitude is a very powerful human emotion and spending time each day being grateful is an important key to happiness.

#8 Positive Mental Attitude

Studies show that people with a positive mental attitude (optimists) actually live an average of 7 years longer than people who are generally negative. Positive people also have a better quality of life as they seem to attract better and healthier relationships. You can focus on what is wrong in the world or what's right with it, your choice. A few weeks ago, the HealthTip highlighted how happiness can contribute to good health.

#9 Lifetime Learning

Have you always wanted to learn to play a musical instrument? Learn to dance? Cook? Have a list of books you want to read? Well, now is your chance. Learning new things keeps your brain healthy, keeps life exciting and fun. Trying new things and can even help to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's.


10 Ways to Wellness takes on even more meaning when we realize that statin drugs do as much if not more harm than good. How odd that the big drug companies have become so transparent in their sale of high-profit drugs to people who for the most part won't even benefit from them. We applaud the British Medical Journal for taking an honest stand and, with any luck it may be that the wall of lies constructed about statins by the drug industry is starting to crack.

This issue of the Health Tip of the Week is brought to you as a public service by Dr. Stacy Chilton at Synergy Spine Center.


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